Annals of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism : eISSN 2799-8363 / pISSN 2799-7898
Table. 3.

Literature evaluation of parenteral selenium supplementation

Study design Patients
(or participants)
Selenium supplementation Results Reference
RCT 38 preterm infants 3 mcg/kg/day Selenium supplementation prevented depletion Daniels et al. [35]
Prospective 29 ELBW infants 2 mcg/kg/day Twenty-six infants had serum selenium level lower than the normal 57 mcg/L Klinger et al. [10]
Retrospective 49 PN-dependent infants aged ≤1 year Shortage period: 2.1±1.2 mcg/kg/day
Nonshortage period: 3.8±1 mcg/kg/day
A linear relationship was observed between intravenous selenium dose and selenium level. At doses ≤2 mcg/kg/day, nearly 100% of infants were deficient (P<0.01); when doses ≥6 mcg/kg/day were provided, the incidence of selenium deficiency decreased Chen et al. [43]
RCT 534 VLBW infants 7 mcg/kg/day (PN) or 5 mcg/kg/day (oral) Mean plasma seleniume concentration at 28 days increased in the supplemented group (0.56 mcmol/L) but decreased in the control group (0.29 mcmol/L) (P<0.0001) Darlow et al. [34]

RCT = randomized clinical trial; ELBW = extremely low birth weight; PN = parenteral nutrition; VLBW = very low birth weight.

Ann Clin Nutr Metab 2023;15:8-14
© 2023 Ann Clin Nutr Metab